
The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare State

National Research Network S103 funded by the Austrian Science Fund

Labor market issues, population economics and the welfare state have been at the center stage in policy debates in many countries and empirical research in these areas has proven to play a powerful and constructive role in providing empirical evidence on issues such as unemployment, poverty, or the financing of health and retirement accounts. Nevertheless, in many areas the policy debate is continuing as there is no consensus about the available evidence, and new policy issues arise.

The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare Sate represents an Austrian National Research Network pooling research efforts and allowing for close collaboration of researchers within and outside the country. By close coordination and collaboration it is intended to multiply the already available international impact of research and to arrive at policy conclusions. The Research Network represents a strong research center in labor, population and welfare economics with access to high quality data with the intention to attract international researchers to come to Austria and support the Austrian research base.

Intermediate report of the first funding period 
Final Report April 2014
Abschlussveranstaltung 20.11.2014
Results Brochure




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